Saturday, March 8, 2014

Women Play a big part in Economic Growth

Women have the potential to change their own economic status, as well as that of the communities and countries in which they live in. Yet more often, women’s economic contributions go unrecognized, their work undervalued and their promise unnourished.

Unequal opportunities between women and men continue to hinder women’s ability to lift them-selves from poverty and gain more options to improve their lives.

Research shows that inequalities persist in the way paid and unpaid work is divided between women and men; in the fact that women remain the sole caregivers at home, and in their limited access to resources.

What's more, these imbalances slow economic growth.
By economically strengthening women who are half of the world’s workforce is not only a way to spur our economic growth but also a way to advance women's human rights.
If communities, governments and communities empower women, developing countries are less likely to be overwhelmed by poverty.

The bottom line is, investing in women helps speed up the development of local economies and create more equitable societies.

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